Countries Market Reports Portugal Real Estate

North Portugal Real Estate Report

Porto Portugal

In 2025, the average home price in the region of North, Portugal, is $458,000, at a price per square foot of $229. By comparison, the national average cost to buy a house in Portugal is $550,000, or $275 per square foot.

Real estate in North is sought-after by foreign and local buyers alike, and prices have changed by 5.2% compared to the previous year. Homes located in the most popular towns in Portugal, frequented by tourists, tend to be more valuable, while living in remote or lesser-known locations is typically more affordable.

Here’s how North property prices compare to other regions of Portugal:

Alentejo $338,000
Algarve $716,000
Azores $334,000
Center $308,000
Metropolitan Lisbon $768,000
Madeira $658,000
North $458,000

House prices in the cities and towns of North, in US dollars

The most expensive town to buy a house in North is Porto, where a 2,000 square foot home costs on average $736,000. That’s a price per square foot of $368.

The most affordable place in North to buy a house, of the locations analyzed, is Melgaço, where you can purchase a 2,000 square foot home for as little as $114,000, or $57 per square foot, on average.

Here are real estate prices in North’s top 5 cities:

Porto $736,000
Aveiro $510,000
Espinho $502,000
Póvoa de Varzim $476,000
Ílhavo $452,000

See prices for all municipalities in the region

Águeda $228,000
Albergaria-a-Velha $260,000
Alijó $148,000
Amarante $240,000
Anadia $188,000
Arcos de Valdevez $236,000
Arouca $200,000
Aveiro $510,000
Baião $174,000
Barcelos $302,000
Braga $388,000
Bragança $208,000
Cabeceiras de Basto $188,000
Caminha $334,000
Chaves $204,000
Espinho $502,000
Esposende $412,000
Estarreja $238,000
Fafe $232,000
Felgueiras $244,000
Gondomar $372,000
Guimarães $326,000
Ílhavo $452,000
Lousada $248,000
Macedo de Cavaleiros $186,000
Maia $428,000
Marco de Canaveses $250,000
Mealhada $192,000
Melgaço $114,000
Mirandela $196,000
Mogadouro $128,000
Monção $202,000
Murtosa $260,000
Oliveira de Azeméis $240,000
Oliveira do Bairro $238,000
Ovar $312,000
Paços de Ferreira $302,000
Paredes $282,000
Paredes de Coura $144,000
Penafiel $272,000
Ponte da Barca $196,000
Porto $736,000
Póvoa de Lanhoso $250,000
Póvoa de Varzim $476,000
Santa Maria da Feira $292,000
Santo Tirso $288,000
São João da Madeira $316,000
Sever do Vouga $134,000
Trofa $298,000
Valongo $360,000
Valpaços $148,000
Viana do Castelo $390,000
Vieira do Minho $242,000
Vila do Conde $440,000
Vila Nova de Cerveira $242,000
Vila Nova de Famalicão $298,000
Vila Pouca de Aguiar $146,000
Vila Real $294,000
Vila Verde $272,000
Vizela $276,000

Ready to make Portugal your home? Find out all about how to buy a house in Portugal as a foreigner

North Portugal property prices, in Euro

An average 200-square-meter house in North sells for around €448,800, or €2,244 per square meter. Property prices in North have changed by 5.2% compared to last year.

Of the locations analyzed, the priciest properties in North can be found in Porto, going for €721,000, on average, or €3,605 per square meter.

On the other hand, the cheapest house prices in North are in Melgaço, where an average-sized home goes for €112,000. That is based on an average of €560 per square meter.

Here are real estate prices in North’s top 5 cities:

Porto €721,000
Aveiro €499,800
Espinho €491,800
Póvoa de Varzim €465,800
Ílhavo €442,200

See prices for all municipalities in the region

Águeda €223,800
Albergaria-a-Velha €254,600
Alijó €145,600
Amarante €234,200
Anadia €184,800
Arcos de Valdevez €230,000
Arouca €196,400
Aveiro €499,800
Baião €170,800
Barcelos €294,800
Braga €380,200
Bragança €203,600
Cabeceiras de Basto €184,800
Caminha €327,400
Chaves €199,200
Espinho €491,800
Esposende €403,600
Estarreja €233,200
Fafe €227,800
Felgueiras €238,800
Gondomar €364,800
Guimarães €318,200
Ílhavo €442,200
Lousada €242,800
Macedo de Cavaleiros €181,600
Maia €418,800
Marco de Canaveses €244,800
Mealhada €187,000
Melgaço €112,000
Mirandela €192,000
Mogadouro €124,800
Monção €197,400
Murtosa €253,600
Oliveira de Azeméis €234,400
Oliveira do Bairro €232,600
Ovar €306,000
Paços de Ferreira €294,800
Paredes €276,600
Paredes de Coura €140,000
Penafiel €266,000
Ponte da Barca €191,600
Porto €721,000
Póvoa de Lanhoso €245,400
Póvoa de Varzim €465,800
Santa Maria da Feira €285,200
Santo Tirso €282,600
São João da Madeira €308,400
Sever do Vouga €130,800
Trofa €291,200
Valongo €352,000
Valpaços €145,000
Viana do Castelo €382,400
Vieira do Minho €236,800
Vila do Conde €429,600
Vila Nova de Cerveira €237,400
Vila Nova de Famalicão €291,400
Vila Pouca de Aguiar €142,800
Vila Real €287,000
Vila Verde €266,600
Vizela €270,800

Home prices vary depending on the condition of the property, the size of the home, and, of course, the location. For example, apartments and homes located in historic town centers tend to be more expensive than in other areas of the town, partly because of their proximity to amenities and partly because of their higher rental value. Moreover, properties in need of extensive renovation are typically priced much lower than those that are in move-in condition.


  • When using or citing this data, please give credit with a link to My Dolce Casa
  • Home price data source: valid as of the date of this report
  • Original prices published in euros per square meter
  • Euros converted to U.S. dollars at an exchange rate valid as of the date of this report
  • Square meters converted to square feet
  • The average price of a 2,000 square foot home was calculated by multiplying the price per square foot in USD by 2,000
  • The average price of a 200 square meter home was calculated by multiplying the price per square meter in Euro by 200

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