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How Not to Give Up on Your Italian Dream: From the Netherlands to Lake Como Italy

Lake Como Lombardy Italy

Hello! My name is Arlette Deutekom, and I’m originally from the Netherlands. I recently fulfilled a lifelong dream by buying a house in Italy. My Italian journey began when I became the proud owner of a property in Castiglione d’Intelvi, a charming village near Lake Como. But this has not come without some real challenges and a good dose of stubbornness on my part. 

Let me take you through my story of finding, fighting for, and settling into my perfect Italian home.

Castiglione d’Intelvi is the perfect location for my new home

Castiglione d’Intelvi is a small village west of Lake Como, in the Italian Alps, close to the Switzerland border. No, it’s not directly on Lake Como, but I loved it none the less. 

The serene environment and breathtaking mountain views make it a soulful place to enjoy tranquility and natural beauty. The village offers a peaceful retreat with its charming streets and welcoming community, close to the beautiful Lake Como area minus the tourist crowds.

A scenic view of a valley with green grassy areas, leafless trees, and a large body of water nestled between rolling hills and mountains under a clear blue sky. The mountains in the background are partially obscured by a light haze.

The search for the forbidden home

In September 2019, I visited Como for a week, determined to find one particular house I had seen online and loved instantly. My apartment in the Netherlands was in the process of being sold, with the handover scheduled for October 14th, so I had no time to lose. After my apartment in the Netherlands was sold, I arrived in Italy without a home, just two suitcases, and my dog.

A two-story white building with wooden shutters on the windows is seen against a clear blue sky. The roof has exposed wooden beams. In the foreground, a green shrub and part of a metal railing are visible. On the right side, a convex mirror is attached to a pole.

I stayed in a hostel in Como and engaged a local realtor, Daniele from Severini, to help me. However, the local seller’s agent in Castiglione d’Intelvi was uncooperative to say the least. She refused to show me the house I was interested in because I didn’t speak enough Italian and insisted that a foreigner wouldn’t want a house without lake views.

Despite numerous calls from my agent, Daniele, she remained obstinate. Frustrated, I decided to explore the village and see the house from the outside. My determination only grew stronger.

Accidentally finding an ally who was as determined as me

Daniele continued his attempts to secure a viewing, but success remained elusive. Finally, after two weeks, the seller’s agent agreed to a viewing, but only if I brought someone who could translate.

As bad luck has it, my agent was unavailable on the day of the viewing. Desperate, I searched for someone else who spoke Italian and would come with me to see the house that day. I accidentally called Francesco Cortese, a real estate agent from GH Estate in Menaggio, thinking he was someone else.

Francesco turned out to be a blessing. He managed the situation with the local agent skillfully and arranged for a viewing. After finally seeing the house together, I knew Francesco was the right person to help me.

Home in Italy

How the right agent made the homebuying process a breeze

With Francesco’s assistance, the purchasing process began. From signing the preliminary contract to obtaining my codice fiscale and opening an Italian bank account, everything moved smoothly. Francesco’s knowledge of local real estate and his connections were invaluable. He even knew a reliable geometra who confirmed the house’s structural soundness.

The entire process, from viewing the house to getting the keys, took only five weeks. Francesco ensured all utilities were transferred to my name and even helped me move in on a cold December day, making sure the heating was up and running.

When Arlette came to me, she had been dealing with a reluctant agent, unwilling to show the house Arlette was sure she wanted, shares Francesco Cortese of GH Estate Agency. During the process, Arlette was accepting of all possible advice, and was the type of client who makes this a very enjoyable industry. It was not only important to provide her with professional contacts and tradesmen to assist with the complete restoration of her new home, but also to introduce her to this new, foreign community. Arlette has since formed friendships and enjoyed experiences that align with her lifestyle and tranquility.

Turning “the house that keeps on giving” into “my dream home”

After overcoming the hurdles of buying the house I really wanted, renovating it and turning it into “my dream home” was my next challenge. Francesco’s tips and the help of the local contractors made all the difference in the world.

The house, though in need of work, was perfect for me. Remarkably, it seemed to be “the house that kept on giving”. Every time I needed something, I would find it among the items left by the previous owners. Tools, ladders, cleaning supplies – everything I needed was there.

One of the most beautiful aspects of my move was the warm welcome I received from the local community. Francesco introduced me to his Dutch partner and other friends, helping me build a social network quickly. The residents of Castiglione d’Intelvi are friendly and supportive, making my transition smoother.

Living in this stunning valley, surrounded by mountains and forests, has been a dream come true. The natural beauty and tranquility of the area are exactly what I needed. My garden has become my sanctuary, I’ve embraced the slower pace of life and exploring the countryside.

My advice for future expats in Italy

Looking back, I realize how fortunate I was to find the right people to help me and not to give up. For anyone considering buying property in Italy, my advice is to be patient, do thorough research, and seek help from local professionals. Understanding the local market and making connections with people who are dedicated to helping you find a home are key to get where you want to be. 

My story is a testament to the satisfaction that comes out of following your dreams and the incredible experiences that await those who dare to pursue them. Castiglione d’Intelvi is not just a place; it’s my haven of peace, beauty, and community. I hope my journey of moving to Italy inspires you to explore your own dreams and perhaps find your own slice of paradise in the beautiful Italy. If you’re dreaming of owning an Italian home, take the leap – it’s a decision you won’t regret.

My Dolce Casa Team

My Dolce Casa is a team of expat writers whose articles and stories reflect their personal experience of moving, living, working, and retiring overseas. Through top-notch research and local expertise, they share the latest trends and insights into the ever-growing lifestyle of living across borders.


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