The average price to buy a house in France in 2025 is $508,000. Property for sale in France costs on average 254 US dollars per square foot. Apartments in France sell for an average price of $313,600 for a two-bedroom apartment, or $392 per square foot.
In euros, the average price per square meter to buy a house in France is €2,481. This adds up to €496,200 for a 200-sqm house. The price for an apartment in France is €3,839 per sqm, approximately €287,900 for a 75-sqm apartment.
French real estate is generally more expensive than Spanish real estate, Italian real estate, or Greek real estate, but cheaper than Portuguese real estate.
French real estate prices can vary depending on the size and condition of the property, as well as amenities and location. Here’s what to expect to pay on average if you’re looking to buy real estate in one of France’s largest 50 cities and towns:
House and apartment prices in US dollars in France’s major cities
Out of France’s 50 largest cities analyzed, the area surrounding Paris is the most expensive in the country. Neuilly-sur-Seine, just west of Paris, is the most expensive location to buy a home. An average-sized house in Neuilly-sur-Seine costs $2,570,000 or $1,285 per square foot. An average apartment 800-square-foot in size will set you back as much as $800,000, at about $1,000 per sqft.
The second most expensive city in France to buy real estate is Vincennes, a wealthy suburb of Paris, where a house costs on average $2,204,000 or $1,102 per square foot. An apartment in Vincennes sells for around $730,400, with an average price per square foot of $913.
The third priciest French city to buy a home is the western Parisian suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt. Here the price per sqft is $1,040 for houses, which puts the price of a 2,000-sqft home at around $2,080,000. Apartment prices in Boulogne-Billancourt are slightly less, $838 per square foot. For example, a two-bedroom apartment would go for about $670,000.
The average house price in Paris, the fourth priciest in the list, is $1,009 per square foot or $2,018,000 for a 2,000-sqft home. Apartments in Paris cost on average $946 per square foot. Therefore, a two-bedroom apartment in Paris would cost $756,800.
The most affordable cities in France to buy a house, out of the 50 cities analyzed, are Saint-Quen, at a house price of $108 per square foot, Saint-Étienne, at $197 per square foot, Montreuil at $184 and Limonges at a price of $188/sqft.

House and apartment prices in Euros in France's major cities
Houses in Paris cost no less than €9,875 per sqm, bringing the cost to purchase an average sized home to around €1,975,000. Buying an apartment in Paris costs €9,259 per sqm. A 75-sqm Parisian apartment would set you back about €695,000, on average. Real estate prices in Paris can vary depending on the size of the apartment or house, as well as the Paris neighborhood where it is located.
Real estate prices in Marseille are €4,607 per sqm for a house and €3,544 for an apartment. This means that you could purchase an average-sized house for €921,400 and an apartment for an average price of €265,800 in Marseille.
A house in Nice, in the South of France, will cost on average €1,174,000, while an apartment would go for about €384,200. The average price for a house in Cannes is €1,438,000 million and an average apartment is typically just under half a million euros.
Check out the prices in euros to buy properties in France's largest cities:
- When using or citing this data, please give credit to My Dolce Casa by linking to this report
- Data source: Seloger valid as of the date of this report
- Original prices published in euros per square meter
- Euros converted to U.S. dollars at an exchange rate valid as of the date of this report
- Square meters converted to square feet
- The average price of a house refers to a 2,000-square-foot home and a 200-square-meter home
- The average price of an apartment refers to an 800-square-foot apartment and a 75-square-meter apartment