In 2025, the average home price in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, is $190,000, at a price per square foot of $95. By comparison, the national average cost to buy a house in Spain is $458,000, or $229 per square foot.
Real estate in Castilla-La Mancha is sought-after by foreign and local buyers alike, and prices have changed by 1.8% compared to the previous year. Homes located in the most popular towns in Spain, frequented by tourists, tend to be more valuable, while living in remote or lesser-known locations is typically more affordable.
Here’s how Castilla-La Mancha property prices compare to other regions of Spain:
Andalusia $468,000
Aragón $288,000
Asturias $294,000
Balearic Islands $966,000
Canary Islands $586,000
Cantabria $352,000
Castilla and León $242,000
Castilla-La Mancha $190,000
Catalonia $496,000
Ceuta $480,000
Valencia $420,000
Basque Country $626,000
Extremadura $196,000
Galicia $286,000
La Rioja $274,000
Madrid $788,000
Melilla $408,000
Murcia $276,000
Navarre $348,000
House prices in the cities and towns of Castilla-La Mancha, in US dollars
The most expensive town to buy a house in Castilla-La Mancha is Guadalajara, where a 2,000 square foot home costs on average $348,000. That’s a price per square foot of $174.
The most affordable place in Castilla-La Mancha to buy a house, of the locations analyzed, is Almadén, where you can purchase a 2,000 square foot home for as little as $68,000, or $34 per square foot, on average.
Here are real estate prices in Castilla-La Mancha’s top 5 cities:
Guadalajara $348,000
Albacete $342,000
Azuqueca de Henares $338,000
Toledo $338,000
Alovera $322,000
See prices for all municipalities in the region
Alameda de la Sagra $166,000
Albacete $342,000
Albalate de Zorita $198,000
Alcazar de San Juan $156,000
Almadén $68,000
Almagro $134,000
Almansa $150,000
Almorox $156,000
Alovera $322,000
Añover de Tajo $150,000
Argamasilla de Alba $100,000
Argamasilla de Calatrava $132,000
Azuqueca de Henares $338,000
Barajas de Melo $166,000
Bargas $200,000
Borox $216,000
Burguillos de Toledo $136,000
Camarena $186,000
Campo de Criptana $106,000
Carranque $286,000
Carrion de Calatrava $154,000
Casarrubios del Monte $248,000
Caudete $110,000
Cedillo del Condado $232,000
Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón $230,000
Ciudad Real $266,000
Consuegra $106,000
Corral de Almaguer $110,000
Cuenca $290,000
Daimiel $138,000
El Casar $292,000
El Casar de Escalona $138,000
El Viso de San Juan $262,000
Escalona $144,000
Esquivias $234,000
Fuensalida $166,000
Gerindote $118,000
Guadalajara $348,000
Hellín $160,000
Herencia $106,000
Horcajo de Santiago $96,000
Hormigos $150,000
Illescas $300,000
La Puebla de Montalban $110,000
La Roda $130,000
La Solana $108,000
La Villa de Don Fadrique $72,000
Las Ventas de Retamosa $196,000
Lominchar $196,000
Loranca de Tajuña $284,000
Los Navalucillos $106,000
Magán $160,000
Malagon $78,000
Manzanares $128,000
Membrilla $126,000
Miguel Esteban $112,000
Miguelturra $190,000
Mora $114,000
Nambroca $184,000
Navahermosa $88,000
Novés $166,000
Numancia de la Sagra $234,000
Ocaña $200,000
Olias del Rey $222,000
Pedro Muñoz $84,000
Pepino $210,000
Piedrabuena $112,000
Pioz $278,000
Porzuna $82,000
Pozuelo de Calatrava $124,000
Puertollano $124,000
Quintanar de la Orden $110,000
Recas $162,000
San Clemente $118,000
San Roman de los Montes $184,000
Santa Olalla $124,000
Santo Domingo-Caudilla $88,000
Seseña $262,000
Socuéllamos $108,000
Sonseca $126,000
Talavera de la Reina $196,000
Tarancon $188,000
Toledo $338,000
Tomelloso $136,000
Torralba de Calatrava $110,000
Torrejon del Rey $266,000
Torrijos $170,000
Trijueque $244,000
Uceda $232,000
Ugena $236,000
Valdepeñas $142,000
Velada $114,000
Villacañas $104,000
Villanueva de la Torre $260,000
Villanueva de los Infantes $88,000
Villarrobledo $122,000
Villarrubia de los Ojos $100,000
Yebes $274,000
Yeles $236,000
Yepes $170,000
Yuncler $208,000
Yuncos $226,000
Planning to move to Spain? Find out all you need to know about how to buy property in Spain as a foreigner.
Castilla-La Mancha Spain property prices, in Euro
An average 200-square-meter house in Castilla-La Mancha sells for around €186,600, or €933 per square meter. Property prices in Castilla-La Mancha have changed by 1.8% compared to last year.
Of the locations analyzed, the priciest properties in Castilla-La Mancha can be found in Guadalajara, going for €341,400, on average, or €1,707 per square meter.
On the other hand, the cheapest house prices in Castilla-La Mancha are in Almadén, where an average-sized home goes for €65,800. That is based on an average of €329 per square meter.
Here are real estate prices in Castilla-La Mancha’s top 5 cities:
Guadalajara €341,400
Albacete €333,800
Azuqueca de Henares €331,000
Toledo €329,800
Alovera €315,800
See prices for all municipalities in the region
Alameda de la Sagra €161,800
Albacete €333,800
Albalate de Zorita €194,600
Alcazar de San Juan €152,400
Almadén €65,800
Almagro €131,400
Almansa €147,600
Almorox €153,000
Alovera €315,800
Añover de Tajo €146,200
Argamasilla de Alba €97,600
Argamasilla de Calatrava €129,600
Azuqueca de Henares €331,000
Barajas de Melo €163,000
Bargas €196,400
Borox €210,800
Burguillos de Toledo €133,000
Camarena €181,600
Campo de Criptana €104,000
Carranque €279,200
Carrion de Calatrava €151,200
Casarrubios del Monte €242,400
Caudete €107,000
Cedillo del Condado €226,600
Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón €226,000
Ciudad Real €260,800
Consuegra €102,800
Corral de Almaguer €108,000
Cuenca €283,000
Daimiel €134,200
El Casar €284,800
El Casar de Escalona €134,400
El Viso de San Juan €256,600
Escalona €141,600
Esquivias €229,000
Fuensalida €162,000
Gerindote €116,400
Guadalajara €341,400
Hellín €156,600
Herencia €103,200
Horcajo de Santiago €94,200
Hormigos €146,400
Illescas €293,200
La Puebla de Montalban €108,000
La Roda €126,400
La Solana €105,200
La Villa de Don Fadrique €70,000
Las Ventas de Retamosa €191,600
Lominchar €191,600
Loranca de Tajuña €278,200
Los Navalucillos €103,800
Magán €156,400
Malagon €76,600
Manzanares €125,000
Membrilla €122,600
Miguel Esteban €110,000
Miguelturra €185,000
Mora €111,200
Nambroca €180,200
Navahermosa €85,600
Novés €163,000
Numancia de la Sagra €229,800
Ocaña €195,400
Olias del Rey €217,000
Pedro Muñoz €82,000
Pepino €205,200
Piedrabuena €109,800
Pioz €272,600
Porzuna €79,600
Pozuelo de Calatrava €120,400
Puertollano €120,800
Quintanar de la Orden €108,600
Recas €157,800
San Clemente €115,400
San Roman de los Montes €179,800
Santa Olalla €121,600
Santo Domingo-Caudilla €87,000
Seseña €257,200
Socuéllamos €105,000
Sonseca €122,800
Talavera de la Reina €192,200
Tarancon €184,200
Toledo €329,800
Tomelloso €134,000
Torralba de Calatrava €107,800
Torrejon del Rey €260,400
Torrijos €166,000
Trijueque €239,200
Uceda €227,600
Ugena €231,200
Valdepeñas €138,600
Velada €111,800
Villacañas €101,800
Villanueva de la Torre €254,000
Villanueva de los Infantes €86,600
Villarrobledo €120,200
Villarrubia de los Ojos €98,600
Yebes €268,800
Yeles €231,600
Yepes €166,800
Yuncler €203,600
Yuncos €221,000
Home prices vary depending on the condition of the property, the size of the home, and, of course, the location. For example, apartments and homes located in historic town centers tend to be more expensive than in other areas of the town, partly because of their proximity to amenities and partly because of their higher rental value. Moreover, properties in need of extensive renovation are typically priced much lower than those that are in move-in condition.
- When using or citing this data, please give credit with a link to My Dolce Casa
- Home price data source: valid as of the date of this report
- Original prices published in euros per square meter
- Euros converted to U.S. dollars at an exchange rate valid as of the date of this report
- Square meters converted to square feet
- The average price of a 2,000 square foot home was calculated by multiplying the price per square foot in USD by 2,000
- The average price of a 200 square meter home was calculated by multiplying the price per square meter in Euro by 200